Social Media Icons – Social Icons Widget – Show Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, Vine, Vimeo, Digg, Tumblr, Flickr, RSS Feed Link, Email, WordPress, Snapchat, Wechat, QQ, StackOverflow profiles with profile link with font awesome icons.
Display your social icons using Social Media Widget, Who based on Irresistible CSS & JS, So it is very amazing, responsive and easy to use.
Show social media, social icon, social profiles, media, social application, social widget, Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, Vine, Vimeo, Digg, Tumblr, Flickr, RSS Feed Link, Email, WordPress, Snapchat, Wechat, QQ, StackOverflow profiles with profile link with font awesome icons.
The Social Media Widget takes a simple, extendible approach to displaying links to your social media profiles in WordPress.
The purpose of this plugin was to strip away the complexities, most other plugins to have and simply display a set of basic social icons in a list, There are no-frills and no fanciness, making it easy to style to your website’s look, It does not require any other optimization
social media plugin to display your profiles using Social Media Widget plugin.
Social Media Plugin with many Social Media Icons and Settings Like Size, Icon Styles, Responsive Configuration, Rotate Effects, Social Media Widget, Icon Animation, Highly Customizable
Social Media Icons Are Use to Subscription On Your Sites.
You Can Customize Profile settings And Widget Settings For Social Media Icons
You Can Set Transform Effect To Rotate Icons In Different Directions
Transform (90°)
Tranform (180°)
Tranform (270°)
Tranform (360°)
Tranform (90° X-Direction)
Tranform (180° X-Direction)
Tranform (270° X-Direction)
Tranform (360° X-Direction)
Tranform (90° Y-Direction)
Tranform (180° Y-Direction)
Tranform (270° Y-Direction)
Tranform (360° Y-Direction)
When You Hover At Any Social Media Icon Hover Effect Will Be Apply On Icon
You Can Set Colors For Icon , Icon Background , Icon On hover , Icon On Transform By Color Picker
You can manage the spacing betwwen the share icon easely.
Custom CSS Feild Use For Apply Your Own Settings On Social Media Icons By Using Textarea